
Videos and Animations

Below are various videos and animations that I created for Delta Dental. A few are for the company's internal audience, while the others are for for specific external audiences.

Dazzle Animation

Dazzle Animation

Scope: Create an animation of Delta Dental of Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana's mascot, Dazzle, introducing a book that was being read allowed. This was to be used as part of the Teacher Toolkit in the Tote-a-Smile program, which included oral health educational materials with a link to this video. This was used during the pandemic when employee volunteers and participating legislators were unable to go to classrooms to read to kids.

Audience: Teachers and students

Timeframe: 2-3 days

Software: Adobe Illustrator, After Effects and Character Animator

Outcome: Dazzle was made in Illustrator and setup/animated in Character Animator. I voiced Dazzle in Character Animator as well. The background animations were created using After Effects. (Note: the book portion was provided). Everything came together nicely.

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T3 Year-end "Sizzle" Video

T3 Year-end "Sizzle" Video

Scope: Create a wrap-up video that was less then a minute and a half long to show offer T3 participation in 2021.

Audience: Internal employees

Timeframe: 3-5 days

Software: Adobe Illustrator and After Effects

Outcome: The project turned out as expected. It was created with photos that were provided to me and was entirely created in After Effects. Instead of saying "wrap-up" my coworker said "sizzle," which I took quite literally and made the T3 logo sizzle.

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Delta Dental—Career Fair Intro Video

Delta Dental—Career Fair Intro Video

Scope: To create a video that was one minute or less long for Delta Dental's Human Resources department to play for students during virtual internship and career fairs. Keep it fun, upbeat and make it attractive to a younger audience.

Audience: College students attending virtual career fairs

Timeline: 3-5 days

Software: Adobe After Effects

Outcome: Overall, this turned out great for use during the pandemic. Some of the photos and video footage could've been better but used what we had available or what people could shoot themselves with my instructions. My goal was to make the video as authentic as possible and incorporating stock video footage as needed.

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Delta Dental—Halloween Animation

Delta Dental—Halloween Animation

Scope: To create a video one minute or less encouraging children to brush their teeth during Halloween.

Audience: Facebook followers—dentists, parents and non-profits

Timeline: 1-2 days

Software: Adobe Illustrator and After Effects

Outcome: Everything went smoothly animation-wise but the video itself was posted late on Facebook and didn't receive as many external hits as I would've liked.

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Delta Dental—Choir Song Video

Delta Dental—Choir Song Video

Scope: To mash together individual footage/vocals that were recorded by Delta Dental choir members at home during the pandemic.

Audience: Internal employees

Timeline: 3 weeks

Software: Adobe Illustrator and After Effects

Outcome: Since the choir is made up of enthusiasts and non professional singers, it took a very long time to figure out the best way to put this together since timing was off and the footage itself wasn't great because it was recorded at home. Many individuals did not submit their recordings by the due date and I had to continue to incorporate them throughout. Because of all the challenges, this project took far longer than expected. I did my best to go the extra mile and make it look as professional as possible by creating a logo for the choir, doing slight video adjustments with fading from black and white to color and creating the credits screen at the end. Overall, it doesn't sound like the original song but they were pleased with how it turned out.

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Delta Dental—C3 Department Video

Delta Dental—C3 Department Video

Scope: During the pandemic the company was looking for ways to increase moral. Departments started making videos of their teams at home, which were shared on the company's intranet. I was tasked with creating the one for my department, C3 (Culture, Communications and Community Affairs).

Audience: Internal employees

Timeline: 2 weeks

Software: Adobe Illustrator and After Effects

Outcome: At first when I pitched the idea for this video my team was all about it being a collaborative effort. They wanted something cool and unique, so our video would stand out above the rest. I put together an example video to show what I was thinking and they loved it. When it came time for people to provide their estimated numbers for each category and supporting photos/video footage, I received some push back. They felt that it would take took much time and effort. At that point, I made things easier for everyone and condensed the list of what they had to provide and made it more direct versus open-ended for those who lacked an idea of what to do in their portion. Overall, everyone's attitude turned around once they started to see more and more of the video and they were impressed in the end.

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Delta Dental—Animated Holiday Greeting

Delta Dental—Animated Holiday Greetings

Scope: Each year my department creates an animated greeting video for employees to share with external partners, groups and whoever they choose outside of the company.

Audience: External recipients including groups and brokers

Timeline: 2 weeks

Software: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and After Effects

Outcome: Each year the scope and outcome was a little different. The theme stayed pretty much the same but I could do what I wanted for the most part with the animations. This was always an opportunity to teach myself how to do different types of animations and try out new ideas.

Click to View—2018Click to View—2017Click to View—2016Click to View—2015